協会について About

概要 Summary




エドヴァルド・グリーグの言葉《Man må først være menneske. All sann kunst vokser ut av det menneskelige》…誰でもまず人間であらねばならぬ。すべての真の芸術は人間的なるものから生まれでる。…の精神に則り、音楽を愛し、理解を深め、友情を育て、生活に真の喜びと幸せを求め、そしてグリーグ作品の演奏を普及・啓蒙し、研究を続けることを目的とします。

The Grieg Society of Japan was established by Mr Ohtsuka who has for many years made a great effort to promote and popularize Nordic Music. This Society started in 1996 on Grieg’s Birthday – the 15th of June. Anyone who appreciates Grieg’s music or Nordic Music in general can apply to be a member. Once a member, you will be granted invitations to concerts and events hosted by or sponsored by our organization (some exceptions may apply). Furthermore we will issue information bulletins for members to read our publications and support performers playing Grieg’s Music.

‘Man må først være menneske. All sann kunst vokser ut av det menneskelige’ (E.Grieg) ‘One must first be a human being. All true art grows out of that which is distinctively human.’ In accordance with the spirit of Grieg’s own words, we aim to encourage people to love and deepen their understanding of music while nurturing friendships in pursuit of true joy and happiness in life. At the heart of this enterprise, we are continuously committed to further spreading understanding, love and appreciation of Grieg’s music.

ごあいさつ(会長 岩崎 淑)
A Message from President Shuku Iwasaki

会長 岩崎淑


I hope that Grieg’s music becomes more popular in Japan through our activities of The Grieg Society of Japan. Furthermore, I hope that our society contributes to cultural exchange between Japan and Norway collaborating with various associate groups inside and outside of Japan. 

役員他 Board Members (R-XII)

  • 桂冠名誉会長  故 大束省三
    Honorary President Laureate  Shozo Ohtsuka
  • 名誉会長  アイナル・ステーン=ノックレベルグ
    Honorary President  Einar Steen-Nøkleberg
  • 名誉会員  アーリング・ダールJr.
    Honorary Member  Erling Dahl jr.
  • 名誉会員  シェル・ヴィーグ
    Honorary Member  Kjell Viig
  • 名誉会員  舘野泉
    Honorary Member  Izumi Tateno
  • 会長  岩崎淑
    President  Shuku Iwasaki
  • 理事長  正木文惠(国際エドヴァルド・グリーグ協会副評議委員)
    Chairman  Fumie Masaki
  • 理事  市川雅己
    Director  Masaki Ichikawa
  • 理事  広瀬正憲
    Director  Masakazu Hirose
  • 実務委員(会計)  高橋和歌
    Coordinator (Treasurer)  Waka Takahashi
  • 実務委員  青砥翠玲
    Coordinator  Mirei Aoto
  • 実務委員  大川利枝子
    Coordinator  Rieko Okawa
  • 実務委員  中村崇仁
    Coordinator  Takahito Nakamura
  • 監事  中村俊郎
    Financial Auditor  Toshiro Nakamura

各支部 Each Branch

  • 北海道支部長  森希美
    Chief of Hokkaido Branch  Nozomi Mori
  • 東北支部長  西村元希
    Chief of Tohoku Branch  Motoki Nishimura
  • 北陸支部長  
    Chief of Hokuriku Branch  
  • 関西支部長  セルバンテス堺多恵
    Chief of Kansai Branch  Sakai Tae Cervantes

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